Monday, 24 September 2012

Light Bulb Fact!

 In the UK we WASTE £140 million a year by leaving our lights switched on!

Friday, 21 September 2012

Attempting a hoover bazuka!

going to try make a hoover bazuka using instructions off

   Going to try make a prezi presentation!

                 WISH ME LUCK!

Class Mates

DT class! Vicky, Simon, Nicola, Josh, Harry & Jack!

Why flurocent tubes flicker?

Ever wondered why this happens when you turn a flurocent tube on and when its about to blow?

Fluorescent bulbs are gas filled tubes, the gas is excited by electric pulses and in turn creates visible light; the device responsible for exciting the gas is called a ballast. Ballasts send pulses of electricity through the gas, rapidly turning the light on and off.